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Who Are We


We are 30+ members from all around the Tricities area. We have members from Abingdon, Elizabethton, both Bristols, Johnson City, Piney Flats and all the way to Shady Valley. We have members who have a high school education and all educational levels including P.H.D. One is an ordained minister and another is a physician. Several of us are retired and some as young as their early 20's. We have individuals who are heavily into reenacting and those of us who choose to watch. One of our members took part in the early July reenactment at the Gettysburg Battlefield. Several of our members have replica weapons and are part of our Honor Guard which is often called to be part of parades and ceremonies all around the area of our higher heaquarters, Vaughn's Brigade.


We meet the third Monday of each month at 7:30 PM at the Bristol Life Saving Crew Building, 1601 Euclid Avenue, Bristol Virginia. You are very welcomed to attend a meeting and join in our fellowship. If you would like to join the Sons of Confederate Veterans, our Camp 52 or another camp we will be happy to assist you. Click here to go to an application and further information about joining the Sons of Confederate Veterans

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