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The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) are organized in the same manner as the Confederate Army. The General Headquarters, known as “Elm Springs”, is located in Columbia Tennessee, approx. 45 miles south of Nashville and approx. 20 miles south of Franklin. SCV is the highest level of leadership within the organization. They provide forms and procedures for applying for membership, evaluate applicants and accept new members, publish the bimonthly Confederate Veterans magazine, determine overall policy and ensure lower echelons adhere to true Confederate values and ideals.
The Army of Tennessee is the division headquarters for our geographic area, which include Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio Tennessee and Mississippi. They are responsible for the activities of all the brigades within their sphere of influence, relaying information both up and down the chain of command. They publish a monthly newsletter titled, Forrest’s Escort The Official Newsletter of the Tennessee Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans
Vaughn's Brigade is our next higher level of command located near Greenville, TN. The brigade is responsible for relaying instructions from higher headquarters to the camps under their command, for assisting the various needs and activities of the camps.